The "Strange Library" by Haruki Murakami lives up to its name, as it portrays a dream-like event in the story, starting with the Boku having to go downstairs in the library, and entering a labyrinth-like structure. I believe that Boku going downstairs represents him going deep into his subconsciousness, representing the story to be a dream. As dreams are where the subconscious mind takes over and projects itself strongly. Every character he meets after he goes downstairs is significant in his life that has rooted themselves deeply into his consciousness. The mother passes away at the end of the story, but I think that the real story actually begins. I believe that the old man represents an abusive relative that took Boku in, as it is evident in his forcefulness in him getting Boku to do things with the threat of violence, but also has a very father-like tone when talking to him. I think the whole story of the "Strange Library" is the dream of Boku who is facing the harsh reality of domestic violence. I believe that the starling is a pet bird that Boku saw as his only friend in his abusive family, someone that he can only rely on, as the starling takes the form of a little girl and takes care of him in the story, and ultimately defeats the big black dog who bit Boku years ago. The sheepman, who is too scared to escape and defy the old man represents his fear for the abusive relative, as Boku had to ultimately convince the sheepman to finally escape the old man.
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