Monday, February 15, 2021

Murakami and his conciousness

     It is evident that Haruki Murakami's "A wild sheep chase" draws inspiration from Raymond Chandler's "The long goodbye". From searching for a mysterious figure that leads the main character into the adventure, having ruffians and millionaires being playing a role in the story and the mysterious figure taking an alternative identity. However, what makes Murakami's work different from Chandler's is the use of surreal and odd elements. For example, Boku's girlfriend has magical ears capable of captivating people, and the main character is able to have conversations with Rat's ghost. These surreal elements and odd details seem to show subconscious thoughts Murakami has, as he has mentioned that he likes to free-write, letting his story flow from his consciousness. This type of writing captivated me as I was always on edge trying to figure out what he was trying to say/its meaning. One particular element that stood out was the whale penis. He talked about how he saw a whale penis in the aquarium and felt sad for it as it seemed like it was trapped there forever without being able to be free. This was very odd to me at first, but I believe that it was foreshadowing Rat's encounter with the Star pattern sheep that had him trapped in the isolated mountain home. In conclusion, I think his writing style really helped me immerse myself in the story as it made me try to think more like Murakami to figure out how the odd things fit in the story.



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